
By Beewriter

Page 3…..

…not!!!! Ha ha ha

Read no more if you are of a nervous disposition!

I went with Victoria for a photo shoot this afternoon. We had our make up done and our hair curled. It looked better than in this photo before I’d had to pose with it scrunched up or lying on it. As we were waiting to go in another woman was waiting for her slot in the studio and she was saying she was ‘going for it’ and doing a boudoir shoot. We wiped the smile off her face when we told her we were doing the nude shoot lol.

I have to say it was quite liberating and after the initial nervousness it was actually good fun. Thank goodness for photoshop though!

We went on to the Quays for the Wednesday evening swim. We were the most glamorous swimmers in the dock with our false lashes and make up, it was hilarious.

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