
If you're joining me today, read back the last eight days. They're back blips from my vacation.

This is my last back blip of the Michigan trip! Jill and I picked up macarons at a nice bakery near her parents' house before we hit the road. I also wanted to pick up a Detroit Free Press newspaper because it's owned by the company I work for and I occasionally work on it.

The macarons were easy to get. The newspaper was a different story. There was none in the liquor store. I'd tried a few places while we were out a few days ago and didn't get any. I finally found one in a gas station today and bought it. It was from late June! But it was still neat to see the physical product of something I help publish.

It's good to finally hit the road. A week of her mom is too much. Even one day is too much. I am going to put my foot down and say no more. I cannot visit that woman. It's just too dreadful.

Today her mom got mad that Jill had told her to remind her about a cup in the bathroom. She also was mad that her husband put food in the microwave for "too long." He put it in for one minute, eight seconds, and she felt it should be in there for only one minute. He put something else in later, and she asked him if he was putting in the right time.

It's just constant with her. She's always mad. I cannot imagine what it's like to live like that. I feel so bad for her husband. It's honestly shocking that Jill came out of that whole ordeal and is normal!

We got home this evening. I ate one of the macarons. It was delicious.

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