Fairy wings...
... Not really. But aren't wings beautiful?
I'm back on track today for the first time in ages. So much so that it feels odd not to have a nagging feeling about anything too pressing.
My mended tooth has been brilliant too. (And, cosmetically, looks better than before now it's sporting a white filling).
Our neighbours are having some work done in the garden. Lovely workforce are hard at it. I wandered into the vicinity (but on our side of the fence) with the camera. I couldn't help but overhear a snippet of conversation (as you do):
'... Yeah, so Sue's out tonight'.
''Right... But, really, I don't know what they're playing at, because if you wanted to kill off the entire population, you wouldn't mess about, you'd just put poison in the water system...''
I wondered whether to be afraid...?
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