A Grinning Merganser

After getting the oil changed in my van, and picking up some neighbors at the St. Petersburg airport...the day was pretty much gone. I started to go to the gulf, but it was raining. So I took a cat nap instead.

A word about Florida...the Sunshine State. When you come to my state...Michigan (the Great Lakes State)...I can guarantee you that you can see the great lakes. HOMES...Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior. But...how can they call it the Sunshine State when we're not supposed to see the sun all week? I'm thinking about calling the governor tommorrow. Show me the sun...or change your state slogan.

The merganser has not been easy for me to get. They always fly off. This guy both sang for me, and gave me this toothy smile. Slap it into large to see the "teeth."

An unlucky 13 more pictures are on my Flickr Page. The usual suspects...snowys, herons, and pelicans.

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