Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Visitors from the dark side...

...including Brandy, the 10 month old working Cocker Spaniel...

Mark picked John up from Chipping this morning so they could come across the Pennines and see us for lunch. Mark acquired Brandy during lockdown - he has such handsome colouring, and a lovely nature ( Brandy that is, not Mark! ). We took them all out on Roy's recuperating circuit - and I left the stick people to carry on on the flat while I showed Mark an offshoot where he could let Brandy off his lead. We caught up with them on the return circuit.

A lovely sociable day catching up - we have often skied & sailed with both John and Mark, so we all go back a long way. We did decide that age has caught up with us though, as there was a lot of chat about ailments and infirmities ;) 

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