Mike Lincoln

By Linxpix

Green Veined white butterfly

Nice to see this on the buddleia today there was also a red admiral, but I was too slow to catch it (photographically speaking  ! ) and a rare sighting of an orange ladybird for me although officially common !
Been another busy day, weekly shop this morning , then a chat with my daughter who has been offered a new job which is much nearer to us, so would save me taking her to and from work, more money, but officially it is temporary , also more opportunities to progress . So after a chat with her partner has decided to accept it.
While she is in a positive frame of mind I broached the subject of a garden studio , think she is now getting used to he idea :-) Thanks to everyones positive vibes on this :-)
Pulled up some weeds and nettles today but stopped when I thought if I did any more it might not do my back any good !!
Also had an interesting e-mail from Blip HQ saying they liked my photography and would like to do a profile on me , should I or should I not ? 

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