Lottie Busy at Work

Misty in the morning, sunny afternoon, misty in the evening.  Darn this mist, absolutely hating it!! 

Day off, and up early.  Mam picked me up, and we headed north to Unst for the day.  Julie was busy in the kitchen, preparing food for friends this evening.  Lottie headed to work, me, mam and Anna headed out for a run and walk.  Lund Kirk, Lund House, and Gletna Kirk.  We had tea with Julie, and then headed for the ferries.  Lottie and Anna are coming down to mam's for a few days.  While waiting on the ferry, we walked to Belmont broch.  Back home, walkies with Sammy, and then feet up.  

Lottie started working in a local shop over two months ago, and getting on great.  Main duties are stacking the shelves, and helping customers.  It's great experience for her, with the bonus of some well earned pocket money.  We popped in to get a few errands, and Lottie was quick to help and find things.  Lottie helping Anna, Skibhoul Stores, Baltasound, Unst. 

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