
My favourite walk is a round trip from Southwold to Walberswick which is full of pretty cottages. Had a nice coffee from a deli there.
We had to use the ferry to cross the river as the usual bridge we walk over is closed for maintenance.
Last year, the ferry cost 90p per person. Now it’s £2! Cost us £12 today there and back. Bit cheeky - it’s the only way for pedestrians to cross the river.

Back in Southwold, we had coffee and bacon rolls from the blue beach hut cafe and played yet more putting. We bought a pass for the week and have certainly got our money’s worth.
Hubby was chuffed to get on the leader board with a seasons best - 34.
It’s due to rain tomorrow. Maybe we’ve had our last game this week.

I’m struggling with blocked sinuses. Had a cold which I thought I’d shaken off, but alas…..
I rarely pop pills. I’ve had three doses of paracetamol today :(

… but the sun shone and there was no rain. Whoop whoop!
(Rain forecast all day tomorrow)
…. And we had chips for tea!

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