Goin' up the country

Suspecting I might be in a slightly dreamy state for much of the morning, the SK offered to drive me to Jupiter Artland. Well, there was a new piece by Rachel Maclean to view, y’see . Upside mimi ᴉɯᴉɯ uʍop. At first we missed it, but doubling back, we spotted a small gap in the hedge and a rather sinister path. All your childhood scary stories with some unpleasant adult themes. Well, what’s not to like, right?
After that I was allowed a chocolate brownie and coffee before being birrled home. And there I had an enjoyable time gardening away till a message came I from St Bob. Should I leg it back west? If I seize the day, I could move the boat up country for the visit of P&K and still be back for yet more arty stuff the SK next week. Och, yes, why not. Bag packed!

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