
By Lizimagiz

Puddle Run

It's very damp underfoot along some of the Taylor River Tracks at the moment. That is since yesterday morning... It rained on and off all yesterday and overnight. We had a total of 25 mm in our rain gauge this morning. That is a whole inch of rain. Alleluia!
I puddled through the puddly bits in my Keen sandals which are ideal for long river walks, through the dry and through water.
The dogs thought the extra water was marvelous and both rushed around tearing along the water-filled tracks. Great fun!
The river bed is still depressingly dry for the most part. Further south upstream towards the Taylor Dam we do have a reasonable flow. It has never dried up there.
This morning, as I crossed the big stepping stones which run under the Meadowbank Bridge, I noted that there was a bit of extra flow of water there.
It takes a day or two for the effect of heavy rain in the headwaters to show up downstream. So I will be interested to see if the river water is seeping up through the shingles further down from the Meadowbank Bridge when I am up that way tomorrow.
Of course the rain inevitably has a down-side for some. This evening I was talking with the owner of the vineyard I frequent. His grapes are ready to be harvested. I told him I thought that too as I have been sampling the grapes myself. But now there is a bit of a delay until the vines dry out.
You can't win them all. :-)

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