Downtown again

The shop on the corner used to be a fruiterers and upstairs was their Banana ripening rooms.
Its now a chain of Italian restaurants serving cheapish meals.
First stop was to the Bank to ask why I couldn't sign in .
Apparently you need a mobile.I said I didn't have one.Well I have but I dont use it.She had a face that would stop a clock and said she would have to change my settings.
Off she went into another room.Probably to swallow some happy pills.
I asked the other young girl where the last miserable one was.
She moved to another branch.
Happy Hannah came back and said it was sorted and any problems come back on Monday ( probably her day off)
I said I would set my phone up if need be. Came home to try it on my desk top and I've messed that up.
I called at the shop near home and moaned to him.He said loads complain about Nat West.
I keep looking to see where Coco is as she's always following me about.
I dont miss her always at my feet though haha

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