
By bgleyna


Passed this lady with her dog on my walk today and though she didn’t talk to me, I think her name is Diana!
Otherwise a day of lots of little things. Back to mask wearing today when out, as I had a sore throat and stuffy nose. I went ahead and had a free Covid test just to make sure, as I’ve been around someone who had tested positive - also the grandkids have had nasal congestion and a bit of a stomach upset and I’ve been around them a lot. Results should come in two days .
Today will be a day of waiting - waiting for Covid test results; waiting for the shower people to lay a flooring in my dressing room so I can move back in there at last; waiting for our Tesla to come back after it’s body repair; waiting for my new glasses; waiting for my returned walking shoes to be refunded so I can choose another pair that fit better. Lots of things I can get on with while I wait though.
Back to eating normally after our strict meal plan. Still have to weigh ourselves daily and write down what new foods we eat so we can see what triggers weight gain. I lost nearly 20 lbs over the 5 weeks of the eating plan but my blood pressure hasn’t changed very much which one of my main reasons for doing it! Still, I’m happy to lose that weight, now to keep it off!

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