Yellow flowers
I popped up to the plot a bit earlier to check plants were still vertical after the very strong winds we are currently experiencing, not only were they upright but my gherkin's had babies... How did I miss the gert big 'un????? A ladybird in residence on one of the sunflowers I planted in between the sweetcorn, plus the Ushiki kuri fruits plumping up nicely. The runner beans are at a bit of a jaunty angle, tied in though so fingers crossed the wind will have abated before doing any damage, but I actually spotted some beans ready for picking, first pick of the season. Yum yum!!! I'm visualizing roast lamb or chicken for dinner this Sunday to celebrate THE bean season, think I'll ask Mum to join us. The beans are'nt doing as well as last year strangelyy enough, never mind I've got some successive plantings coming on so no doubt we will have had our fill by the end of the season, they don't taste good after freezing so enjoy while in season ..... Old style. :-D
Had a lovely catch up with Mandy & Jane over coffee. Facebook can be useful for getting in touch, staying in touch with lost friends. Jane had lost touch with Mandy & Julie back when they left school, so today was a day of reminiscing. Next time we meet hopefully, Julie, another horsey friend will be able to join us. She's married & farms in Wales so that will take a little more planning, that won't be until next Spring so plenty of time to organise.
I did watched us winning yet more medals today ... Go Team GB!
Thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday
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