Flop down!

Didn't go far on my 'first thing in the morning walk', because after breakfast Ann took me to Portobello Beach so that I could play with my ball. I haven't played with my ball since we came back to Edinburgh from St Ives, almost 2 weeks ago, because it's been far too hot. Today, Ann said, 'Trixie, the tide will be going out so let's go to the beach so that you can have a play.'

I played for about 5 mins and then I flopped down in 'tired' mode?! Seriously? 5 mins? 'MollyCollie' would never have flopped down after only 5 mins. Sometimes I get a bit fed up hearing how perfect MollyCollie was.

Anyway I walked/played for about 20 mins and then Ann said, 'let's have a rest for a while. I'll have a coffee & a sausage roll and you can have a liver muffin.' Yum, yum, yum. The little caravan on 'Porty Beach' makes the most fabulous doggie muffins.

But do you know what happened?.......................... Ann waited in the queue for ages a few mins and then she forgot to order my liver muffin. Boohoo. And what was even worse................... she didn't even share her sausage roll!!!

Walked/played back along the beach for about half an hour and by the time we got home I was so tired I was happy to spend the afternoon snoozing.

Ann went off to do a 'Meet & Greet' and she also had to do an 'extra mission'...................... Well it was literally £10 for 2 mins work so she could hardly turn that down could she? Delivering a bottle of 'drain unblocker' to visitors. Unfortunately she didn't know until she'd signed up to the task that the visitors were self-isolating. All was good. Visitor poked his head round the door and Ann handed him the unblocker.

And then the plan when she got back, was to pop up to Aldi to do a shop for the weekend (we have a friend coming round on Sunday for a Roast Chicken dinner) and then take me for a play in Fairmilehead Park. By the time Ann jumped off the bus she was tired so popped into M&S for a Caesar salad & some mushrooms. She didn't actually look at the price of the Caeser salad. It was £3.50? Seriously? For a few lettuce leaves, a few shavings of parmesan cheese, croutons & dressing? That will teach her to check the prices before she buys stuff??!!

Went for a little walk (only 2,000 + steps – Ann's started wearing her fitbit again). Came home, gobbled up my dinner and I'm back in my bed snoozing again.

…................And that's been our day.....................

Toodles. xx

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