
…day 2

for flowerfriday

a ray of sunshine

and a promise kept - for abba is faithful - just as his word says - it’s what i live by - and rely on - and he didn’t disappoint - yesterday as my surgery - was a total success - even though today - i look like i was - in a major fight - and lost but still - i am holding fast - to his word which says

“but this i call to mind, and therefore i have hope: the steadfast love of the lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
lamentations 3:21-23 (esv)

we all can claim this - wonderful promise every day - because we have - a father in heaven - who adores us - and wants to lavish - us with love - he did that for me - yesterday proving when things - could have gone horribly wrong - putting my trust in him - means they can go - beautifully right and become…


happy day.....

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