Dogcorner Cottage Curios

This shadow box contains some of the best items found with a metal detector around our property. In June, the woman who does our lawn mowing introduced us to her friend, Dean, The History Hunter. He uses his metal detecting skills to dig, collect, clean and return items( at no charge) to homeowners who allow him to hunt around their property. 

Last night he arrived with our display, a shadow box with small items artfully arranged and labeled. Our property yielded a lot of interesting items even though we are not the greatest candidates due to all the excavation back in 1998 for the not our fault oil spill. Lots of curios went out with the oily soil I'm sure. But, his most amazing finds to me were the musket ball and the Tombac coat button, both from the 1700s. The family that sold the house to my grandparents in 1928 were the son and daughter-in-law of the original owners. These folks had, believe it or not, a gas station out front and must have sold cars too because of the blue and white enameled license plates unearthed from the bottle dump. These plates will be the focus of a blip another day. So, some car parts surfaced as well. 

We were so excited to receive the box last night and chat about the items. On top of my experience touring the old family house in Lubec, it's been a history filled month. We couldn't thank Dean enough for the little peek below the surface of our property.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cooler, a beautiful July day.

All hands quite worried about the Delta Variant. Our masks are back in fashion.

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