Into Lock Down We Go.

Supposedly for 3 days, but who knows.  I doubt it somehow.

A month ago we were told, we would have to wear masks for 7 days.  But we are still wearing them.

I did go out this morning before the announcement was made, just to get some cat biscuits,

Alexandra had a special outing booked for the girls on Sunday, so that has now been postponed.

Mia had her 4 year vaccinations today.  The doctor told Alexandra, Mia has a heart murmur, and it needs to be checked out.

A bit odd as the doctor Mia saw with her bronchitis, didn't say anything.  I suppose it could've occurred since.

She had the same thing with Isabella when she was 4.  Best to get it checked out though.

So I printed off some knitting patterns this afternoon, Something to do whilst in lock down.

Although, it probably wont make much difference to us, except I will be looking after Mia more.

Isabella can still go to school, as her parents are classed as essential workers.

Will have to wait and see what happens next.

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