The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince had recently changed his car and we still aren’t quite used to it which is why the The Eldest Mini Princess waved enthusiastically at a man parked in a black car outside our house before realising it wasn’t actually The Prince!

EMP was mortified. That’s one of the good things about getting older. That sort is disproportionate embarrassment diminishes. I passed someone a couple of weeks ago and did a whole “Oh hi, how are you doing?” before realising she was a complete stranger* and I just walked off giggling.


PS We went to Kitty Cat and Marsh’s tonight for dinner. Marsh was telling us that he had come downstairs earlier to find his sons (aged 9 & 11) having a sword fight…with the 2 sharpest knives in the kitchen!

*In my defence, she was wearing a mask and had VERY similar eyes to the person I thought I was talking to!

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