Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Reflected Windows

This blip is by way of an experiment and didn't look quite as good as I had hoped.  I watched a zoom talk on smartphone photography on Wednesday evening which was very good. The speaker was really inspiring. One of the things she showed was how to get great reflections but putting your phone into the top millimetre of a puddle. Don't try this if you have one of the older phones which has holes at the top! As there were quite a few puddles around town this morning I decided to give it a try. It's not easy to see what you are going to get if the phone is almost resting on the ground and I didn't want to kneel down in the puddle. Of course it would look a lot more interesting if done in a city with modern architecture but this was the best our small town had to offer. I think the slightly dull part at the bottom is because the wind was ruffling the surface of the puddle.

Good news today on my million steps challenge. At the end of the first month I have a whole day's worth of steps in hand. I need that because at the beginning of September we will be going to the UPP (United Photographic Postfolios) convention near Birmingham. That will mean being in the car for most of the day on the journeys down and back and then the middle day will be the AGM and two sessions with well known photographers speaking. I am bound to be well below target on those 3 days.

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