
By Murmuration


Just as we got into bed last night we had a message from our son to say that the volcano was erupting again (he could follow it on the live camera feed.) We debated whether to get up and go for it but decided to wait until the the following evening as we had other things planned during the day.
However, when we got up the next morning we decided we wouldn't risk missing the volcano and so headed there straight after an early breakfast. You could see the smoke plume in Reykjavik, which was a good sign.  Hardly anyone there when we arrived and, despite the steep climb, my excitement got me to the top of the hill in record time. None of the photos Mr M and I took can really do the experience justice. The haze and smoke made it difficult to focus on the hot lava and I can't share with you the sound, which was like waves crashing and roaring. It was amazing. We stayed for about an hour to enjoy the spectacle and then headed back down. By this time there were hordes of people coming up the hill, coachloads, and as we descended Mr M looked around and commented that he could no longer see any smoke. When we checked on the live feed the eruption had stopped - we had been so close to missing it again. Felt so sorry for the people who were going up after us ( but so thankful we'd decided to go when we did.0 Volcanoes are fickle things.)
For the rest of the day we drove what is known as The Golden Circle. Amazing scenery (very like the Isle of Skye) and fabulous waterfalls. Also went to Geyser. Geyser itself no longer spurts but its obliging next door neighbour does, every 10 minutes or so. We finished the day at Thingvellar where the worlds oldest parliament was held. A really beautiful area with another great waterfall. I've added a few extras but not sure they really do the day justice.

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