La vida de Annie

By Annie

Another 15 minutes of fame...

...the last being here. Those kind folks at Blipcentral contacted the local radio station, BBC Radio Merseyside, about my recent 1500 blips with no gaps despite extreme circumstances, and I was happy (well, willing at least) to be interviewed by the very charming Sean Styles to promote Blip and Neurosupport, two organisations which have kept me going over recent times. #1 daughter came with me for moral support and to take this picture, which I duly cropped, glammed up a bit and generally fiddled with. She assured me I didn't make a fool of myself despite being in full-on rabbit-in-headlights panic mode, with no recollection at all of what I said. I do remember that Sean was a very empathetic person who was easy to talk to - I was a little concerned about coming across as batty-woman-with-camera, and took the precaution of requesting a recorded rather than live interview just in case it all disintegrated into farce. My bit - heavily edited no doubt - will be aired some time this week on his morning show.

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