My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Ten Blipping Years!

Spent most of the day with N’s mum, sister and her daughter. L absolutely hero worships her cousin who is 10 years older than her and her cousin (also an L) loves her so much too. It’s just adorable.

We had a little stroll around the Valley Gardens, a drink and snack at the Love Brownies café, followed by a game of crazy golf (L got two hole in one shots!) and a late lunch.

We did a bit of supermarket shop on the way back to our digs and then went for an explore on the grounds of the farm.

Let’s hope we all have a better night’s sleep tonight - it was stupidly hot last night (the flipping Aga) and L wasn’t settled away from home at all.

And so, it’s my Blipday!
Ten years worth of Blips although I actually started near the end of 2010.

Aaaaaaaaah, no red balloon for the first time on my Blipday because I totally forgot so you have a comma butterfly instead.

EDIT: Balloon pic is tomorrow... a day late.

My previous red balloon Blipdays:
1) 365
2) 730
3) 1095
4) 1460
5) 1825
6) 2190
7) 2555
8) 2920
9) 3285

Thanks, as always, for popping by.
Jackie x

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