It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Decorating! either love it or hate it....We are neither its just we dont have the time to do it ourselves so we get a very nice man to come and do ours for us! Today we have two upstairs doors glossed and three door frames and the lounge to hall door glossed...(Diesel dog unfriendly)
Only one more day of disruption and then I can try to enjoy my last couple of days off!
Blip is a photo journal of my life so although its not a very interesting or artistic blip ill be able to remember what fun we had while this was being done ....(Not) ...Slight hint of sarcasm there :-)
Hope things are going ok with you all.
It seems quite a few of my fellow blippers have dropped off the blip 365 wagon. Please keep blipping even if its not great I really love seeing them all.

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