
Feeling accomplished today. 40 lengths at the pool, and a good couple of hours in the garden, including using the heavy hedge trimmer, so a good work out today. Hopefully it'll make up for the bacon butty I had in the cafe after this mornings dog walk!

I swam at 11 instead of midday,  they've opened up the lanes for an 11am session while the kids are on holiday. It was great, the lanes are double size, and there were only 3 of us in that lane for the whole session, I love swimming into the glasslike water when no-one is in front of you - Feels like the Olympics! LOL

Was wondering what I was going to blip when I noticed the Bees on the Verbenas. My macro was on my little Panasonic that I'm not totally at home with, but although I've missed the focus on the eye, I rather liked that I got the funky hair in focus - It's different, and that's my excuse!

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