Way back when

In 1970, when I was 8 years old, our family moved South of The River (Thames, that is) to a small village called Lingfield. It meant moving away from our wider family and our friends and my sister and I started at a new school. I was fortunate to make a new friend who lived in the house opposite to ours and I am fortunate that we are still friends over 50 years later, despite the fact that our family only stayed in Lingfield for 2 years before moving away once again.

Angela and I have kept in touch, and although we live about 400 miles away from each other, we do get to meet up now and then. This was the first time since 2012 and we had so much to talk about. Lovely :-)

This afternoon, I treated my feet to a pedicure; they work so hard for me and thoroughly deserved the pampering. So did I I! I must do it again once they have walked me the 500 miles to Santiago.

Finally , I had a really nice surprise - an email telling me that I had won a £150 John Lewis voucher from Penguin Books for filling in a (very long) survey about my fave Dr and author, Rangan Chatterjee.

It’s almost time for tea and we are trying out the White Rabbit GF and vegan pizzas tonight.

All in all, a good day :-)

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