Bara caws

Bara caws ~ Cheese bread (or bread and cheese)

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Gwnes i dorth o fara heddiw.  Roedd dim ond cymysgedd bara o baced ac roeddwn i'n dilyn dull Nor'dzin, ond roeddwn i'n hapus gyda'r canlyniad. Gwnes i ratio rhai o gaws (200g) ac yn adio fe i'r cymysgedd (500g) i wneud torth o fara a chaws. Mae'r dull yn syml. Deg munud yn y cymysgydd, awr yn y popty pwysau ar 'sous vide' (i godi), yna ugain munud yn y ffrïwn aer (i bobi). Roedd y bara yn dda iawn. Nawr tybed pa fathau arall o bethau gallwn i roi i mewn cymysgedd bara.

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I made a loaf of bread today. It was just a packet of bread mix and I was following Nor'dzin's method, but I was happy with the result. I grated some cheese (200g) and added to the mix (500g) to make a loaf of bread and cheese. The method is simple. Ten minutes in the mixer, one hour in the pressure cooker on 'sous vide' (to rise), then twenty minutes in the air fryer (to bake). The bread was really good. Now I'm wondering what other kinds of things I could put in a bread mix.

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