
Yaaaay. I escaped the Gulag.
There was a younglad travelling back then onto Glasgow with his huge crazy Romanian dog called Viktor. The ferry was getting in to Mallaig at 10 am and he would be stuck there until 6 this evening before he could get the train to Glasgow. Why in the name can't transport companies not get their act together and have a train leaving at least a couple of hours later! Almost 8hours in grotty wee Mallaig would be enough to drive anyone crazy  let alone someone with a dog! so I offered him a lift to Oban where he could catch the 2.40 train and be in Glasgow by 6! I have to say he was very good company and Viktor the dog got on very well with Pene. You can see them both in the photo. 
Anyway I,m back home and Pene is in her happy place on the sofa.

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