
By Groggster

Wink Mirror

Today's image is all about taking my camera with me when I go out - even if, as this case, it was just popping out to the shops. I was walking past a line of cars on my way back from the supermarket when this caught the corner of my eye (sorry!). It instantly brought a smile to my face so I had to get a shot of it. Mind you I might have got some strange looks if anyone had seen me crouching down to take a picture of a wing mirror!
I was feeling a bit grumpy today for some unknown reason (M.O.M.S probably - miserable old man syndrome) - but I still managed to fit in a run, carry out a bit more topiary (otherwise known as hedge trimming) in the garden and make a pea, feta and basil tart. So I actually ended up giving myself a bit of a pat on the back, treated myself to a beer and all was good again!
Another TV recommendation - "Secrets of the Museum" on BBC2. It takes you behind the scenes at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. I must admit I've never been much of a museum goer but this programme does a fantastic job of bringing the exhibits and the stories behind them alive.
This episode included the setting up of an ambitious exhibition celebrating Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, the acquisition of some Lucian Freud prints taken from his etchings, the moving of a nearly 600 year-old tapestry and even a patchwork cardigan famously worn by the pop star Harry Styles and it's effect on social media. Fascinating and entertaining at the same time. 

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