campervan man

By campervan


I have been busy for the last few days, hence no blips or comments for a few days. 
Because of Covid we failed to hold our normal New Years Eve party last year. Now things are easier we decided to hold it on the 31 July instead of 31 December. This meant sorting out drinks and food (not my department) and making sure the garden is at its best. The grass cut several times in the proceeding week plants tidied up and flowers deadheaded over and over again. And all the time looking at the weather forecasts. No rain on Saturday, it will rain at 4.00pm, it will rain at 3.00pm, it will rain at 12.00, the forecast changed daily or several times a day. There was torrential rain on Friday that battered the garden, spoiling my work tidying up. We almost cancelled several times but didn't and when Saturday finally arrived the weather was perfect.
We had a couple of dozen people outside for our New Years Eve party, all very complementary about the food and the garden. It was a great success.
I spend every day in the garden and can see all its imperfections. Our guests looked at it and thought it was "stunning", "delightful" and "marvelous". I will try to look through their eyes instead of mine in future
The picture? We I not only had human visitors this weekend. Whilst my back was turned something decided to eat my brassica seedlings. I preferred my human visitors

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