Another insomniac night. I think 'Fortunately' lulled me off to sleep. Drove to the pool as I was going straight to Larbert. I left Edinburgh in beautiful.sumshime but as I went west the clouds came down.
Good meeting. Better than it could have been. 6 of us in the one office and 1 on Teams, the talking head in the corner. It felt almost normal. And in the afternoon the FM announced that more near normality returns next Monday. Please, please, please the BBC will stop the pointless and meaningless daily mantra of figures. They stopped serving any purpose months ago.
It was a rubbish eating day, Tesco sarnie, chocolate and v v late fish 'n chips. I was really tired this afternoon. I think it's mental exhaustion which carried on tonight with a follow up meeting from yesterday. Later there was another phone call on the same, ACU, topic. My brain hurts.
Went down to see mum after the teatime meeting. Made up for the weekend. But there are issues there too that need sorted.
Didn't sew tonight. Much too tired but watched a travelogue about Italy, Write Around the World, ep 1.
Hence the only photo is a sleeping Willow. I've had the chair for years, since I was a teenager. Dad liberated it from a Leith bind, possibly Vat69. The cushion under the cat was a present from the boys one time they went away with their father. It's faded now. The other one I made. I stencilled the iris to match the etched glass doors in Inverurie. Must be 30 years ago now.
Went to bed to read a message from #2 son, more issues. Did I say my brain hurts?
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