pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

watching all the ground beneath you drop

Feeling much better today, yay! Went in to school, although part of me wishes I hadn't. My head hurts from all the talk of progress and levels and thinking about how messed up the system is. Having to prove this straight line of steady, accelerated progress for every child year after year will inevitably lead to more pressure, more stress and more stupid competitiveness (competition?) between teachers. No one just gets better all the time at anything. You go back with your learning, peter out, improve really's not as simple as a straight line constantly going up.

Anyway, my mind is still buzzing from all the talk about it and not in a good way. This blip is something like that....thinking about making it to Sainsbury's to return the box of cereal that I bought at the weekend that was already open, wondering when I'll make it to the gym and all the time dreaming of being in a faraway land where the sun shines and makes me feel happy. Ahhhhhhh Brazil....

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