Unsubtle Purring

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

For reasons that should be apparent if you read yesterday's entry, I was really quite tired today.

This did not stop me going to work. Because I am self-sacrificing and disciplined. Also that is where I have my best larfs. 

Nevertheless, when I got home all I wanted to do was sleep. Punky was having none of it and STARED at me so that I could wake up and do his bidding.

I was so tired I managed to ignore this so then he moved to step 2: purring. He puttered around and around me, purring, purring, purring.

It is surprisingly effective. Hence I am awake now. But Caro got this picture of him in the midst of his campaign. Yes, I know he looks just adorable but do not be fooled. He is an Evil Genius.


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