Eye to Events

By i2events

The Pipe Dream

"There are things taking place every day in Chicago which are are devoid of rational explanation as the mysterious coinings of the novelist's brain. Newspaper men hear of them, but in the rush for cold, hard facts, the 'pipe stories', as queer and unexplainable stories are called, are at a discount. Were it not for this the following incident, which can be verified by the word of several reputable men, would have long ago received the space and attention it merits instead of being consigned to the wastebasket as the 'pipe dream' of an opium devotee."
Roadworks meant I couldn't park near the paper shop today. This entailed a bit of a walk, but I was rewarded when I passed this builders yard. I had to pass the camera through the metal railings to take the shot. i hope the CCTV didn't pick me up!

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