Celebrating Merry's Adoption Day

We picked up this little cinnamon roll two years ago in Connecticut, at the home of her Abyssinian cat breeder. Her official show name was,

 RW DGC(Double Grand Champion) Khamsin Merry Mischief

We assumed she would answer to Merry, so, we didn't rename her. Unlike Raspberry, she chooses, in a typical cat like way, to answer to no name at all. We call her "Chibbie" from an affectionate term we heard heard while watching Poldark. 

Merry's had some costly health ups and downs, has 6 teeth less than two years ago, and we absolutely adore her. She's brilliant, a gifted feline athlete and absolutely gorgeous with her deeply hued ruddy coat. Merry is a well behaved and loved patient at her vet clinic and friend of all who visit Dogcorner and her summer home in Machiasport Maine.

For the Record,
This day came in with sun and clouds, rain on the way.

All hands celebrating Merry's Adoption day and Nora and Hunty's dad's birthday.

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