River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Gardening Assistant

Bright and sunny all day, but the wind picked up early evening and it's now overcast - we have rain forecast for the next few days, MrD said it's a storm coming over from Canada!
Got 2 loads of washing dried outdoors, we're having a few problems with the heating boiler, MrD thinks we need a new pump - his job for tomorrow...
From an upstairs window I spent a while watching butterflies on the scraggly buddleia in the front garden, maybe a couple of dozen of them:
Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, Small & Large Cabbage White, Comma - lots of assorted bees too, breezy so not practical to take photos :-((
Late morning I started tidying the long garden at the side of the garage, I've let the cow parsley flower for the pollinators but the seedheads are starting to form, they have to go ... my friendly young Robin joined me, I had to be very careful not to tread on him/her - lovely company though :-))
One of my granddaughters is 5yrs old today, where have those years gone?!
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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