Standard family portrait

After a full on morning, including Nate's first ever proper haircut...we headed off to meet this family at their hotel. We were treated to a day of waterslides, food and swimming pools! Nate found it all a bit overwhelming, but eventually settled into it all. Danny and Asha were in their absolute element! A brilliant brilliant day with Phil, Julie and Annabelle. I'm so glad we've had this bit of time with them, we've discovered new friends. 
Home and the kids were absolutely cream crackered. I headed out for an evening of Spanish chat with Rich. Lovely lovely lovely to have the evening together. Home and Stephen was over having chilled out with Danny and the kids.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A day of fun and great memories, especially for Asha.
2) Rich - such a brilliant friend.
3) Hearing that the family who will be staying in our flat received the son's passport a couple of hours before their flight left!!! Cutting it fine!!

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