
We left the house at 6.00, all loaded up in my sons restored 30 year old Polo, my son, daughter and myself. First trip to see family for about 2 years. The journey was ok, 860km to Rotterdam. We got there quite early, so went to look at the windmills at Kinderdijk. We were driving for about 10 hours. We got to the ferry port 3 hours early, and oils check in straight away. We had all the correct, forms, Covid Certificates and tests, and were so happy we could board the ferry immediately. We had a nice cabin with a window. There was not much open on the ship, it was very quiet, but we found one open bar and had a drink, then dinner at the buffet, but you couldn’t serve yourself. It was mediocre, can’t compare to the fab Scandinavian ferry buffets. Very interesting leaving the Rotterdam port, miles and miles of refineries, chemicals plants, storage tanks, and container cranes. Had an early night in our cosy cabin

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