The dropped stitch

By Bodkin


Joyful certainly describes my feelings when last night the man on reception announced, after boarding had closed, that there was an available cabin.

So a good night's sleep after all. Hooray!

It was a warm sunny day in Shetland, so the walk along to the café for breakfast was pleasant. An excellent coffee is always a good start to the day. (see extra).
A conveniently located bus stop, an empty bus and another stroll in the sun - some days things just fall into place so well.

It was really lovely to get this unexpected day with the grandchildren.

F demonstrated how she could do 35 perfect cartwheels in a row and then set about breaking the record for the number of skips. Ignoring encouragement from the adults to join in with the challenge, her two older brothers were quite happy to let her be the winner on this occasion.

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