Lazy Morning

We had a relaxed morning at home today. No visitors, today was our one opportunity to spend time just us as a family. Conor was really unsettled last night. It was definitely our breastfeeding low. I had to get Ed out of bed at 3am to change Conor as I was too sore after hours of almost constant feeding to do it. Then we have him a little formula and he slept for four hours. Ed took him and Orla downstairs and I got a bit more sleep.

When the midwife came today we discussed latching on and she gave me a couple of tips that have really helped. A breastfeeding counsellor is coming out to see me tomorrow too. I am very impressed at the level of support available. In some respects the fact that it was straightforward with Orla is making it more difficult to cope with it being harder this time; I didn't develop any of these coping strategies because I didn't need them.

Orla went to nursery as normal today. Ed took her and Gran and Papa picked her up. We ventured out with Conor this afternoon. We intended to register his birth, but by the time we got there the registry office was shut. I'll have to do it on my own, but I think I'll wait until next week! It was bitter out. Conor seems to like the car.

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