
We went shopping today and I realised that it felt almost ‘normal’. Most people were wearing masks, but otherwise there was not much evidence of a pandemic. 

This is going to sound really strange, but I was almost disappointed. I remembered how it felt when we went shopping during lockdown, especially the first lockdown when everything was strange and new. Absolutely no way do I want to go back to lockdown, but I admit I did feel a little nostalgic for the time when going to the supermarket was an adventure, the only outing we made in the week. Roads were empty, there was a lovely friendly greeting at the door, as someone kept an eye on numbers. There was a sense of camaraderie as queues were adhered to quite happily. Trolleys were carefully disinfected, there were one way systems and marks on the floor to show social distancing. There was the excitement when flour was found, or yeast, or pasta.  It was a different world, a little scary, but different, a time we all lived through and will never forget. 

Today we just. . . went shopping! 

Having said all that, it has been great this evening to have our village book group in the hall as usual. What is amazing is that there were twelve of us and at least four regulars are away and couldn’t make it. Not bad for a village. Sadly the rain that has been threatening all day, came at last, just as we finished. so we all got wet walking home. 

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