Spot the difference
Two photos taken about a minute apart. These huts are little 'shops'. Only one open this morning when I passed for a walk then run along the seafront. Lots of people out doing the same as me... making the most of a lovely morning before the rain.
This afternoon we went to test drive a car (as we still have our Swiss LH drive car and need to decide what to do about it). We couldn t test drive one though as we don t have our British licences yet ( got Swiss ones) and their drop- down boxes are only set up for British ones.
Similar issue with getting our vaccination status accepted/registered. Our doctors have noted we are vaccinated ( got all the evidence) but can t enter it on the system as there is not a drop down box for 'Moderna' on their system. We are apparently not eligible for covid certificates here as not vaccinated here..... arghh.
And breathe...
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