Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Zelda …foster kitten with attitude

Grumpy feisty Zelda .. she’s really got the hang of washing herself !
You’ll all be very pleased to know that Zelda and Figgy are both going to live with my friend L and that Marie and Lucifer are off to live with Legs which I’ve mentioned a few days ago and Mummy Duchess is going to another old friend S .. that leaves Mittens… Mittens is staying here as she’s become very attached to Jim and Lucy, because she’s tiny we can integrate her into the rest of the animals . We can’t do that with an adult cat with this amount of cats and dogs without causing lots of stress and upset. Mittens also has an eye problem and I wouldn’t send a kitten anywhere with a medical condition so we shall sort it .. her full title is Kimmie-Mittens .

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