The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Alley Rats

Today there was a Met Office amber warning for heavy snow for the tenth time this winter and again we had a fairly benign sleety day. Needless to say I didn't get that wonderful feeling when I looked through the blinds at 6am, nor did I get the epic journey to work I was hoping for. Just another cold soggy day.

I used to respect the Met Office and our weather forecasts which have been getting better every year until recently. Now some risk-averse bureaucrat has decided it's an arse-covering exercise and they predict armageddon every time there's the chance of a snowflake or a gust of wind:

Yellow Warning: "Take the washing in"
Amber Warning: "Wear a hat"
Red Warning: "Wear a hat and gloves "

Anyway, weather was nice in Rugrat Alley tonight.

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