
By KateBushIsCool


My mum and dad love the Pope. Sadly this one has just retired but I'm sure they will get a framed picture of the new one soon. Here it looks like he is part of the family. There is also a framed picture of an owl, though, and two wise-looking Chinese chaps. So I guess it isn't exclusively a family photo display. I'm sure my parents never used to be quite so religious when I was growing up. I did have to go to church every Sunday until I was 15 and was christened, first communioned and confirmed but there seemed to be less religious paraphernalia about the house.

Perhaps it just feels like that after living away from home for many years, because all my friends are not religious at all. My parents even went to Rome a few years ago and went to 'An Audience with the Pope'. Sounds a bit like 'An Audience with Ken Dodd' except with a few less jokes.

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