More crafting

In an attempt to widen my horizons a little, I've been buying "subscription boxes" from various companies, but was starting to feel that I had too many projects waiting for my attention, and no desire to attempt some of them.  So today I have rationalised things a little.  With W's encouragement, I sorted the contents of a couple of sewing kit boxes.  I disposed of the instructions to make items for which I would never find a need, putting the material and other accoutrements into my stash.  I also cancelled one of the subscriptions.

I then finished painting and decorating the little houses - cute, a bit twee, and totally functionless.  Not sure what I am going to do with them.  

And I have made a start on the felt crafting kit.  I spent a good hour measuring, marking and cutting out the felt, and then learnt how to use the glue gun whilst making my first pink loopy flower.  I haven't eaten the chocolate - maybe tomorrow.

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