Cheesed off with Technology
So no enthusiasm left for a decent blip.
This week I have already lost 3 hours of 'power point' preparation for a lesson in a laptop that had me only as temporary login. (yes I know I should have a: saved onto a stick b: paid more attention to the little pop-up telling me the situation at the start).
And today I got some lovely little shots of obliging students pouring sand out of a skull followed by a series of pictures of the blue crane (again) but with the brand new HMS Duncan sailing down the Clyde past it. Unrepeatable. Last of 6 from BAE Systems apparently.Even thought of sending them to the newspapers. After the final shot my card ( PNY 8GB SDHC) told me it needed formatted and everything on the card seems to have gone even when I check on the laptop. So sorry nothing better than my socks and Jonathon's green suit.
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