By lizzie_birkett

Our Girls

I cheated - the one of Amelia and I was taken on Wednesday when it was sunny.
The one of Lucy and Frank was tonight at The Black Horse where we went for a lovely meal. It was busy with diners and also guests staying over. Masks were worn and it was a lovely welcoming atmosphere. I'm glad that business is picking up for them, Gary and Kat have worked so hard to keep the pub going and making it Covid safe.

The girls were playing with Saskia again all day, sometimes at ours, sometimes at Bob's and sometimes in the park which is a real novelty for them because it is so close they can walk there by themselves and I can see them from the spare room window.
Lucy got quite upset at one point because she felt the other two were leaving her out.
It's hard being the littlest and Amelia and Saskia have found things in common.

This morning I had an appointment with a muskulo-skeletal consultant in Haworth.
He examined my dodgy knee and said although there was nothing obvious apart from some fluid still palpable he wants an MRI to see if there is any other reason why it suddenly swells up every few weeks. It has been behaving since the last time in May. We were going to have a wander round Haworth but just as we were about to put £2 in the parking machine the heavens opened so we got in the car and came straight home.

Amelia and Lucy have gone to bed now and there is a sudden stillness in the house.
No telly on, just sitting and winding down with a coffee.

Hope you all have a good weekend.
Goodnight :-)X

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