Crane-fly Orchid ~ Tipularia Discolor
This wild orchid is devilishly hard to both find notice and to photograph without the benefit of some kind of backdrop. It's one of those plants whose leaves don't show up until after the bloom has happened. And the bloom is wispy and the color of the dead leaves all around it in the woods. So late last summer I happened to notice the leaves in a small clump in the small section of woods we walk through from our driveway up to the hayfield and pointed the Seek app at them - and was told it was crane-fly orchid. Aha! I kept an eye on those leaves all winter and into the spring and then not too long ago noticed they had disappeared. Hmmm. And then a few days ago I remembered the issue and looked around more closely and TADA!! Blooms!!! I'll be interested to see how long after the blooms die back the leaves will once again appear.
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