Rusty fish hanging
The quietest, stress free day I've had in a long time. Spent much of the day taking pics around the garden and house. No idea what the shutter count is (over a hundred at least) with about 10-15 subjects. Some of them will wind up on Flickr eventually (and a few of the "out there" ones on 500px as they seem to be the most popular ones there - yes, part of me does want my images to be "popular" and part of me does it just for me). I'm only just getting used to taking lots of shots and choosing the pick. It takes a while to get out of the habit of making sure "every shot counts" - it's an awful lot cheaper these days but I still take pride in nailing a shot on the first go with no post processing required!
Saturday, so it's SMH quiz day traditionally and, with the lockdown, it was a zoom session again with Mum, Dad, younger sister and older sister's daughter. We did better than usual (20/25) and not too much faffing about. I'm lucky to have a family where no one's cut off from the rest of us although one of my nephews escaped to Japan about 10 years ago but keeps in touch. Before COVID we'd see him and his Japanese wife and children every year or so. One of the sons has mostly Japanese features and red hair - quite a sight! Beautiful family!
Anyway, I'd planned on spending the day sorting out old photos and photo equipment. I still have boxes of prints from 15+ years ago. I think the days of putting these in albums are over. I used to spend my evenings (as a single man) watching B-grade movies while sorting through, cutting up and sticking photos in albums. I've got a few rolls of photo corners that I will probably throw out. Sun's just going down so... I will get onto it.
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