
I had a quick trip to Stanhope on the bus today. It's a lovely little town, only a small single street but with all you need for everyday shopping. As it was Friday, Stan was on the bus. Fish and chip day for him. He preorders his dinner and then just as the bus arrives for the return journey, he picks it up and it smells lovely on the way home! I couldn't resist this photo showing off his amazing eyebrows! He's just one of the friendly regulars on the bus, although it wasn't as busy as usual.
The rest of the day I spent fighting with my printer! I changed the cartridge because it has been low on ink for a while, did the test print, everything fine. I then couldn't get it to print from any of my devices. Then it printed a random sheet, then it half printed a sheet, then it wouldn't talk again! I did manage to get half of what I wanted done, some pattern pieces to have a go at making my own knickers! I've watched a YouTube vlog using up what's left over from tee shirt making, so I thought I'd have a go. Watch this space! 
The wandering hen has not returned so we don't think we'll be seeing her again. Sad to think what might have happened to her as we've never had one go off before. The others are settling better together now so we're hoping for eggs soon. Our originals seem to have stopped laying completely. We were getting one a day but not for a couple of days. None the less we will continue to care for them and keep them in the manner to which they have become accustomed! They are all such characters.

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